Home Remedies For The Weak Moon

The influence of the Moon in our lives is huge. Because the Moon controls our mind. So when the Moon is weak, there is pressure on the mind. The mind does not sit on any work. There is agitation in the mind. The relationship with the mother began to deteriorate. Remedy for weak Moon is definitely needed. Today we will learn about the home remedies for weak Moon.

home remedies for the weak Moon

Some Of The Moon Favorite Things:

Favorite Day: Monday.

Favorite Number: 2

Favorite Color: White and Golden.

Favorite Root: Khirika Root.

Favorite Gems: Pearls, Silver.

Home Remedies For The Weak Moon:

1. The Moon becomes stronger when one worships Lord Shiva. So to strengthen the Moon, after bathing on Monday, Lord Shiva should be worshiped with white flowers and bel leaves.

2. You will take a bath by mixing white sandalwood powder and a little bit of camphor in the bath water. Chandra Dev will be satisfied with this.

3. The favorite colors of the Moon are white and golden. So you will try to wear white or golden clothe on Monday. If you wear this white clothe regularly every Monday then in a few days your Moon will be stronger.

4. You will buy curd from the market on Monday. Then you can eat some of that curd yourself and share it with everyone in the family. You can also donate curd to the poor on Mondays. In this way you can make chandra Dev strong by satisfying him. 

5. On Monday you will wear a drop of white sandalwood on your forehead. If you can do this regularly, you will have peace of mind. The Moon will have a good effect on you. 

6. You should always keep a white handkerchief with you when you go out of the house. This will help you to get rid of the restlessness of your mind.

7. You can wear a conch ring on your finger. If you wear a conch ring, the weak Moon will become strong very quickly. However, on Monday you will wash the ring with milk and Ganga water and wear it.

8. You can donate water to an older woman on Monday. If you do this regularly then chandra Dev will be pleased and bless you.

9.  Silver plays an important role as a remedy for a weak Moon. You can wear any silver ornament on the body. Such as silver ring, necklace, bracelet etc. If possible, you can drink water in a silver container, it will be very useful. You can also give silver things to the poor.

10. Khirika root can be taken as a remedy for weak Moon. You can wear khirika root on Monday . You need to tie the root in white thread.

11. You will be looking at the Moon for 5 minutes in the middle of the night on a full moon day. Then bow to chandra dev. If you do this every full moon, chandra Dev will bless you.

12. Remedy by Moon Mantra:

You can cure the weak Moon by reciting the following mantra. The mantra should be recited 108 times every Monday morning after bathing. 
 The mantra is:
   " " Om Shraam Srim Shroum Sah Chandramase Namah" "


" " Om Aing Kling Somaya Namah" ".

You can recite any one of these two mantras.

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