Kalmegh Tree: 17 Benefits And Rules Of Use Of Kalmegh Leaves

You must have heard the name of kalmegh tree. You may have even seen the tree. It is a medicinal plant. This tree can be seen in many homes. It has many benefits. 
Today we will learn 17 benefits and rules of using kalmegh leaves.

kalmegh tree 17 benefits and rules of use of kalmegh leaves

Description Of Kalmegh Tree:

Kalmegh trees are usually 2 to 3 feet tall. It is a herbaceous plant. The tree usually lives for 1 year. The scientific name of this kalmegh tree is Antrodgraphis Paniculata. This tree is also known as creat or green chiretta. The leaves of this tree are lanceolate. The branches of the tree are quadrangular. The tree has pink flowers 0.5 cm to 1 cm long. The tree has slender 1.5 cm to 2 cm long fruits.

17 Benefits Of Kalmegh Leaves:

1. Warms:

Kalmegh leaves juice can kill worms. If you suffer from worm disease then you should eat the juice of kalmegh leaves once a week as a rule. One teaspoon of juice should be eaten lightly heated.

2. Liver:

Kalmegh leaves act as liver tonic. It is a great remedy for all diseases of the liver. If there is irregularity in eating habits, if the liver is damaged as a result of eating too much fast food, then kalmegh leaves juice should be eaten.

3. Dysentery:

Kalmegh leaves juice plays a very effective role in curing dysentery. People who have been suffering from dysentery for a long time can cure this disease by consuming the juice of kalmegh leaves.

4. Arthritis:

If the body suffers from arthritis, 10 to 15 kalmegh leaf juice should be consumed regularly. After a few days of eating, the pain of arthritis will start to decrease.

5. Influenza: 

Kalmegh leaves contain anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and other ingredients. This leaf can be used to cure influenza.

6. Skin:

Regular consumption of kalmegh leaves does not cause skin diseases. Skin boils, itching, etc. are cured.

7. Diabetes:

Kalmegh leaf juice is very useful in type-2 diabetes. Eating it regularly increases the secretion of insulin. As a result, blood sugar comes under control.

8. Sore Throat:

If you have problems with sore throat, tonsillitis, etc. , you can use kalmegh leaves. Mix one teaspoon of kalmegh leaf juice, one teaspoon of honey and one glass of warm water together. Then you have to drink it.

9. Blood Circulation:

Kalmegh leaves contain anti-oxidant ingredients. It purifies the blood. It keeps the blood circulation in the body normal.

Other Benefits:

10. Kalmegh leaves cure inflammatory diseases, colon problems.

11. Keeps blood vessels healthy and protects against heart disease.

12. Cures chronic fever or viral fever. Helps to reduce the weakness of the body.

13. Kalmegh leaves are especially effective in diseases like anoxeria, gas , diarrhea etc.

14. It plays a special role in preventing cancer. It prevents cancer cells from growing in the body. Kalmegh leaves destroy cancer-causing cells.

15. Regular consumption of this kalmegh leaves juice increases physical strength and performance.

16. Kalmegh leaves are very effective in curing gastric ulcers.

17. The ingredients of this leaf play a very beneficial role in dengue and malaria fever.

Rules Of Use Of Kalmegh Leaves:

Kalmegh tree leaves should not be used in large quantities. One teaspoon of leaf juice can be used. Drinking it with warm water on an empty stomach in the morning increases its effectiveness. This leaf should not be eaten daily. It can be eaten 2 to 3 days a week. 

 In order to get these 17 benefits of kalmegh leaf, you have to use this leaf according to the rules.

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