The Effect Of Venus In Your Life And The Remedy Of Weak Venus

Venus is the most important of the 9 planets in astrology. This venus affects your life in different ways.

The effect of venus in your life and the remedy of weak Venus planet

The Effect Of Venus In Your Life:

Venus effects your love, beauty, attraction, relationship, youth, social communication, money and knowledge etc. If your venus is strong , you will be bright. Married life will be happy and prosperous. Your spouse will be very beautiful. Your creativity will increase. Your interest in music, art, fashion, etc. will increase. Your property will grow faster.

  But if venus is in a weak position in your birth chart, is afflicted by an evil planet, is in a low position, then venus will have a negative effect on your life.
  Venus controls your enjoyment, luxury, nice behavior with others, car , beautiful house etc.
Some physical problems such as kidney disease, urinary tract disease, throat problems etc. are due to the weak influence of venus.

Characteristics of Venus:

Venus is the second planet in the solar system. Its position after Mercury. This is a very bright planet. Venus is what we call shukatara or sandhyatara. The planet is named after venus, the goddess of love. 

Venus's favorite metal:  Platinum, Silver.

Favorite gem of venus:  Diamond, White coral.

Favorite number of Venus:  6.

Favorite day of venus: Friday.

Favorite color of Venus: White. 

Favorite root of Venus: The root of Rambasak.

The effect of Venus in your life and the remedy of weak Venus  Lord

Remedy For Weak Venus:

You can strengthen venus by remedy. All you have to do to get a strong venus is -

1. You should never wear torn clothes. Because venus is a symbol of beauty and fashion, so if you wear torn clothes, venus will be angry. This will give more negative results.

2. Every Friday Goddess Laxmi should be worshiped with a garland of white flowers. If you do this, venus will be very happy.

3. You will plant white flowering plants in your home area. For example, plant jasmine flower, bell flower tree, Gardenea flower tree, champa flower tree, tuberose flower tree etc.

4. You will use perfume. Especially every Friday, use perfume on clothes.

5. You will donate any white colored material to any temple. You can donate white sweets, white clothes etc.

6. You will feed the children white sweets.

7. You will wear white clothes every Friday. Also always use a white handkerchief.

8. You can wear crystal gems.

9. Try to whiten the color of your room, furniture, nature in home decor etc. You can also use pale blue and pale green.

10. You will use silverware. Such as - silver ring, silver necklace, silver bracelet etc.

11. You will serve the equivalent of a mother. Venus will be very pleased with this.

12. You can wear the root of Rambasak tree on Friday. It should be tied with white thread. The length of the root should be 1 inch long.

13. Remedy by Venus Mantra:

You can strengthen venus by Mantra. You will take a bath every Friday morning and sit in vajrasana wearing clean white clothes. Then recite this venus mantra 108 times. 
  The venus Mantra is:

""Om Dram Drim Droum Sah Shukraya Namah"".


""Om Hring Shring shukraya Namah"".

   You can recite any one of these two mantras. If you recite this mantra for a few days, your venus will become stronger. As a result, the good effects of venus wil start happening in your life.

      This way you can easily cure the weaker venus by knowing about the effects of venus in your life.

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