10 Foods That Keep The Liver Healthy And 5 Foods That Make The Liver Sick

The liver is an important part of our body. So in order to keep the liver healthy, we have to follow some rules. However, there are some foods that keep our liver healthy. On the other hand, some foods are very harmful to our liver. Today we will know 10 foods that keep the liver healthy and 5 foods that make the liver sick. But before that we will know about liver function and liver related diseases.

10 foods that keep the liver healthy and 5 foods that make the liver sick

Liver Function:

The liver helps us with all our metabolism. Synthesizes proteins in the body . Helps to purify the blood. The liver produces bile for digestion, storing glycogen. Removes toxins from the body. Also maintains hormonal balance. Synthesizes vitamin-A, D and retains it in the body.

Liver Related Diseases:

Currently the most common liver disease is fatty liver. This disease is caused by the accumulation of excess fat in the liver. Other common liver diseases are liver cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis-B, liver failure, liver cancer etc.

Symptoms Of Liver Disease:

Liver disease can be diagnosed through a few symptoms. Such as- yellowing of eyes and skin, red urine, loss of appetite , chronic fatigue, constipation, excess weight gain, excessive sweating, depression and anxiety, hypertension, heartburn etc. If all these symptoms occur, then it should be understood that there is a problem in the liver.

10 Foods That Keep The Liver Healthy:

1. Green Tea:

Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate. It acts as an anti-oxidant. Also contains beneficial ingredients polyphenols. These ingredients can cure liver cirrhosis, hepatitis-B, liver cancer etc.

2. Turmeric:

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial ingredients. Turmeric, which contains all these ingredients, helps to keep the liver healthy by curing all the diseases of the liver.

3. Carrots:

Carrots are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, anti-oxidants etc. So eating carrots regularly does not cause liver disease easily.

4. Spinach And Lettuce:

Spinach and lettuce are very beneficial for liver health. It is rich in calcium, potassium, vitamins-A,K,C and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

5. Beetroot: 

Beet is rich in iron and antioxidants. For this reason, to keep the liver healthy , beetroot must be included in the daily diet.

6. Garlic:

Garlic contains allicin. This ingredient has antiseptic properties. Garlic can protect the liver from bacterial infections. Therefore, 1 to 2 cloves of garlic should be eaten regularly. However, garlic should not be eaten too much.

7. Lemon:

Lemon contains vitamin-C, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory ingredients. All of these ingredients prevent fat from accumulating in the liver. As a result, the liver stays healthy. If you want to keep your liver healthy , you must eat 1/3 of a lemon regularly.

8. Apple:

Apples contain vitamin-A and malic acid. Apples are very effective in cleansing the liver. So to keep the liver healthy, apples must be taken as a fruit.

9. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes play a vital role in boosting liver function. So ripe tomato sauce must be on your diet.

10. Oats:

Oats are a fiber rich food. Oats play a special role in removing toxins from the body. As a result, no toxins can accumulate in the liver. Eating oats regularly keeps the liver healthy for a long time.

5 Foods That Make The Liver Sick:

1. Alcohol.

2. High-oil-spiced Fast Food.

3. Soda-Rich Food Colddrinks.

4. Excess Fatty Foods.

5. Extra sweet Foods.

So in order to keep the liver healthy, after knowing about the function and disease of the liver , then these 10 foods should be eaten regularly which will keep the liver healthy. And 5 foods that make the liver sick should be avoided.

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