Hair Fall Remedies: Stop Hair Fall In A Natural Way

Many of us have hair fall problems.We use various medicines to stop hair fall. But despite that, many people do not stop losing their hair. There are many reasons for this. You can choose the natural way as a remedy for hair fall. This is a very effective method. You stop hair fall in a natural way.

hair fall remedies stop hair fall in a natural way

Causes Of Hair Fall:

There are many reasons for hair fall. There are several common causes. Excessive tension can cause hair to fall out. Lack of nutrients in the diet can lead to rapid hair fall. Less than 8 hours of sleep is the most common cause of hair fall. In addition, thyroid, hormonal imbalance, hereditary factors, etc. are a major cause of hair fall.

Hair Fall Remedies: Stop Hair Fall In A Natural Way:

Here are some effective ways to stop hair fall and regrow new hair. Every way is domestic and natural. It has no side effects.

1. Bay Leaves:

Bay leaves help to stop hair fall and regrow new hair. First take 8 bay leaves and give it in a glass of water( 250 ml) . Then boil it for 5 minutes. When it is cold, massage the water on the head. After 45 minutes , wash your head with shampoo. It should be done 3 days a week.

2. Onion Juice:

Onions are rich in sulfur and phosphorus. Its juice prevents hair fall and also helps new hair to grow in a few days. First take an onion. Then cut it into small pieces. You will extract the juice from the onion by beating or crushing it. Add a small amount of water to this juice. Then apply it on the head. After 20 minutes, wash your head thoroughly with shampoo. Onion juice has a pungent odor. So you can use it 1 to 2 days a week . However, it is very effective for hair.

3. Fenugreek:

Fenugreek seeds can cause very fast hair growth. This spice is found in almost everyone's kitchen. The ingredients of this spice harden the hair follicles and make the hair black. Prevents hair fall. Soak one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds for 5 to 6 hours. Then take it out of the water and crush it well. Now mix the fenugreek with coconut oil and apply it on the scalp. Wash head after 40 minutes.

4. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera gel is very beneficial for hair health. Aloe vera gel plays a special role in removing dandruff, cleansing the skin and stopping itching. You will first extract the get from the leaves of the aloe vera tree. 1 to 2 teaspoons of aloe vera get should be extracted from the leaves. Then apply it on the head. After 50 minutes, wash your head with shampoo. You can do it 2 days a week.

5. Eggs:

Egg yolk prevents hair fall. Helps in hair growth. First take a chicken egg. Then break it up and mix it with olive oil. Apply this egg mixed olive oil on the head. After 45 minutes, wash your head with shampoo. You can use this method 1 to 2 days a week.

6. China Rose And Leaves:

China Rose and leaves help to thicken and strengthen the hair. Boil 4 to 5 china rose and 5 to 6 leaves in coconut oil. Then this oil should be cooled and applied on the head regularly. You can store this oil for 20 to 25 days.

7. Lemon:

Lemon juice can help prevent hair fall. AS the same time this lemon juice will help new hair to grow. Lemon contains beneficial ingredients like vitamin-C , citric Acid, Anti-oxidant. You will mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of coconut oil together. Then apply it on the head. Wash head after 35 minutes. You can do this 2 to 3 days a week.

8. Coconut Milk:

Raw coconut milk is very effective for hair health. You will take a coconut. Then crush the white part of the coconut. Apply the milky juice that comes out of that white part on your head. After 25 minutes, wash your head with shampoo. You can apply this method 3 days a week.

9. Neem Leaves:

Neem leaves play a special role in preventing hair fall including rashes and dandruff. First take 15 neem leaves. Then crush them and take out the juice. Mix this juice with coconut oil and apply on the head. Take a bath after 30 minutes. This is a very effective method.

10. Licorice:

Licorice contains amino acids. It also contains a number of beneficial ingredients that help enhance the beauty of the hair and keep it moisturized. Strengthens the hair follicles. Licorice honey can maintain the pH balance of the head. Helps to grow new hair. First, heat a piece of licorice in coconut oil. Then cool and apply the oil on the head.

11.Green Tea:

Green the is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants . Green tea strengthens hair from scratch. Prevents hair loss and helps new hair to grow. Boil a teaspoon of green tea in a cup of water, then cool it and apply it on the scalp.

   11 natural remedies for hair fall, you can stop hair fall in a natural way by applying these.

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