Thankuni Leaves/Gotu kola/ Centella Asiatica: Benefits and rules of use of Thankuni Leaves

Thankuni leaves have been used in Ayurveda since ancient times. In ayurveda, it used as medicine for about 11 diseases. This thankuni leaf has gained a popular place in Ayurveda due to its many benefits. Another name for the thankuni leaf is Gota Kola . Its scientific name is Centella Asiatica. Today we will learn the benefits and rules of use of thankuni leaves/Gotu Kola/Centella Asiatica.

thankuni leaves Gota kola Centella Asiatica benefits and rules of use of thankuni leaves

Source Of Thankuni Leaves:

Thankuni leaves have been used as medicine for many ailments since ancient times in France and Africa, including India. It is also very popular in the islands like sri Lanka, Sumatra, Philippines and Java.

   Thankuni tree is a herbaceous plant. It is usually seen near ponds and reservoirs. The leaves are small and almost round.

Benefits Of Thankuni leaves:

1. Stomach Disease:

Thankuni leaves play a very effective role in any stomach ailments. Diarrhea, ulcers, digestive problems etc. will be cured very easily if you eat regular thankuni leaves. This leaf contains an ingredient called a
Asiaticoside which helps in curing all these diseases.

2. Insomnia Problems:

There are many of us who have insomnia problems. This problem can be solved by using thankuni leaves. This leaf contains anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory ingredients. These ingredients heal the nerves and thus get rid of insomnia.

3.Reduces Anxiety And stress:

Thankuni leaves can regulate the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. This is because it greatly increases the secretion of the hormone serotonin which regulates cortisol. As a result, anxiety, stress and instability are reduced.

4. Bleeding Stopped:

To stop bleeding, apply 10 to 12 thankuni leaves juice. The juice of this leaf immediately stops the bleeding, Because it contains ingredients called saponins. The pain in the thorn area is reduced. There is also no fear of bacterial infection.

5. Detoxification:

Thankuni leaves release toxins from the body. It helps to excrete toxins through urine. As a result fatigue of the body is eliminated. The body is full of energy. The effectiveness of detoxification will increase if you mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of thankuni leaf juice.

6. Increases Brain Performance:

Thankuni leaves are rich in pentacyclic Triterpenes and anti-oxidant ingredients. Regularly eating thankuni leaves increases these elements in the body. As a result, brain cells begin to function better and memory increases. Children who cannot remember to read should be given regular thankuni leaves. If the juice of this leaf is fed to children regularly, their memory will increase.

7. Reduces Infalmmation Inside The Body:

Many times infections are caused inside our body for various reasons. This results in fever. Fatigue comes to the body in a short time. Muscle aches and pains. We have anorexia nervosa and inflammation in the body. These can be reduced through thankuni leaves. This is because thankuni leaves contain anti-inflammatory ingredients.

8. Maintains Proper Blood Circulation In The Body:

Those who have problems with thrombosis should take the juice of thankuni leaves regularly. This leaf helps in maintaining proper blood circulation in the body. Trying to purify the blood. Oxygen-rich blood flows to different parts of the body. The juice of thankuni leaves helps in curing swelling of hands and feet.

Other Benefits:

9. Regularly eating thankuni leaves enhances the beauty of the skin.

10. Dermatitis, eczema etc. are cured. 

11. Thankuni leaves help reduce toothache.

Thankuni Leaves Eating Rules:

1. In the morning on an empty stomach 1 teaspoon of thankuni leaf juice can be eaten with water.

2. You can chew 12 to 15 thankuni leaves with your teeth.

3/ You can mix mustard oil and salt with thankuni leaves paste and eat it in hot rice.

4. Thankuni leaves can be cooked and eaten mixed with potatoes and bananas.

  To have all these benefits, thankuni leaves should be eaten regularly according to the rules.

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