Lover Sees At First Sight- Eyes, Smile, Weight, Hair, Skin, Dressing sense

Lover sees some things at first sight. Such as eyes, smile, weight, hair, skin, dressing sense,etc.


At first sight the lover just starts looking for himself in your eyes. Because your eyes are the mirror of the mind. Your eyes are the biggest weapon to impress your lover. Very good if your eyes are like deer. Although eyes are not like deer, there is no problem. However, you have to wear kajal on the eyes. The lover will be very impressed to see kajal wearing eyes.

2. Smile:

Lover will want to see the shy smile on your face at first sight. Never go to meet your lover with a sullen face. Always a smiling face wins.

3. Weight:

Lover another thing that looks very good at first sight is weight. Suppose you are very beautiful but if you are overweight then your lover will not be interested in you anymore. So always try to stay slim by exercising.

4. Hair:

Hair brings a different personality to each person. It doesn't matter if your hair is short or long. But the main thing is the beauty of the hair. So before going to meet your lover, brush your hair well. However, do not apply oil, hair spray or gel on the head.

5. Skin:

Lover will take a different look at your skin at first sight. So you must take care of the skin. When you go to meet your lover, you will clean your face and hands. However, if the foundation is applied unnecessarily, the lover will not be impressed.

6. Dressing sense:

At first glance your lover will take a good look at what kind of clothes you like to wear. So wear light colored clothes.

   Lover sees these 6 things at first sight. So more emphasis should be placed on eyes, smile, weight, hair , skin and dressing sense.

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