50 grams Of Raw Gram Cures 12 Diseases

 Many of us know about the nutritional value of gram. But many of us do not know that 50 grams of raw gram has the power to cure 12 diseases.

   50 grams of raw gram contains about 8.5 grams of protein, 34 grams of carbohydrates, 2.5 grams of fat, 100 milligrams of calcium, 96 micrograms of vitamin-A, rich amounts of vitamin-B1,B2, mineral salts magnesium, phosphorus etc.

   The 12 diseases that raw gram cures are:

1. Raw gram sugar has low glycemic index, so eating gram eliminates instability in the body.

2. Raw gram contains two types of fibers, soluble and insoluble. This fiber lowers the amount of bad cholesterol. As a result, heart disease is reduced. 

3. Raw gram expels the phlegm that has accumulated in the trachea. As a result old cough is cured.

4. Soaked raw gram and eaten with a little ginger, it acts as an antibiotic. Antibiotics boost the body's immune system.

5.Gram contains folic acid, which reduces the amount of allergens in the blood and cures asthma.

6. Gram contains a nutrient called sulfur, which cures inflammation of the hands and feet of the body.

7. The fat in gram is very beneficial. Gram fat helps in reducing blood fat.

8. Raw gram remove harmful germs from the esophagus. As a result, it cures diseases of the esophagus.

9. Gram is digested in a short time, its fiber cures constipation.

10. As gram is rich in folic acid, it reduces high blood pressure and hypertension.

11. Gram cures spinal cord pain and nerve weakness.

12. Raw gram has a lot of calories which provide energy to the body for a long time. As a result physical weakness is cured.

      Raw gram has the ability the cure all these disease . Therefore, 50 grams of raw gram should be eaten daily. This 50 grams of raw gram will cure 12 diseases.

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